søndag 20. september 2009

Case 01

The process of making our platform-game is divided into ten cases. Our first case was to draw and design the character that will run around in our game. We used Adobe Flash to draw. I've never used the program, so I used some time getting used to it.

It wasn't a problem to draw my character, I tried to make it as simple as possible since I have no experience doing what we are supposed to do. It came down with some simple circles and lines.

Our group discussed what problems we could face in this case, and how we could avoid them. We also talked a little about what we wanted our game to be like, and where we could find inspiration.

This is how my character looks like:

As you can see, the character is pretty simple. Mostly circles and straight lines. Ever part of the character is in a different layer, so I can modify each part as I like.

I actually had not much problems during this case. I just had to get to know the tools in Flash to create my simple character.

The next case is to animate, and I believe it is a much harder task to do.

lørdag 19. september 2009


Hello, and welcome to my blog. I'm not much of a blogger, I've in fact tried to keep away from it, but it's needed for this class I'm taking; Animation & Interactivity I. A blog is a pretty good way to show my my work, and progress, of the task that have been handed to me and the rest of the class.

Our task at hand is to make a platform-game from scratch. Drawing our character, animate our character and program the game etc. I'll update this blog regularly to tell you about my progress.

I hope you will enjoy it.

By the way, our class got divided into groups. I've joined the group "Metode7". We have our own wiki were the rest of my groups blogs are listed and various other information.

Feel free to visit:
Metode7's wiki.